Friday, October 7, 2011

Recycling T'Shirt

This idea was come when I saw my old t'shirt, never been use anymore but I want keep some lovely picture in there. And then I made frame each t'shirt. And you wont believe me, so pretty all them. Now they're hanging at my living room :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ginkobiloba Bonsai

I bought this bonsai when I am in Huizen - Netherlands, visit my aunt. About 2 year ago I tried to grow this plant. I bought the seeds at ebay, but honest I am unsucces. So I didn't have any tips for this. Normally, if I have a little bit patient, I could grow 2 plant from 10 seeds, but to I am very quick do the procces and all broken. They're very fragile. So when I saw this bonsai at store, directly I buy 2 pots. I am so happy... If anyone, know how to grow GingkoBiloba, I'll really happy if you are share to me ;)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Red Currant

My redcurrant this year harvest so much... 

Windmill Near Gouda NL

Some friend said, "This picture look like a paint!" With the beautiful sky as a background.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cherry Blossom

Do you know, the first time if spring time coming, cherry blossom always give the beautifull flowers? They never start with leaf. The best tree I ever know... maybe we can like them, give the great things what we can give and after the best working for great result.