Thursday, April 10, 2008

Other Collection

This are other collection from me. All standing at the left corner from my home. Little bit change because the cabinet from my father in law moved to the back room, near from Abram Room.

Here the detail every single rack :

Sea Theme

Angklung and my chilli plant

My mini terrarium and cactus

Orchid Corner and some frame photos


Anonymous said...

aloo salam kenal ya,,

mo nanya nih,,

-itu biji2an berhasil dibawa masuk ke belgia dari indo caranya gimana? apa enggak ketauan di imigrasi?
-so biji2an si spinach itu kerendem sama air itu berapa hari?


3fince said...

hallo audie,
maaf baru bales yah... nggak gpp.. kan ketauan bibit bayam selama buakn drug ya gpp. Biasda aja simpen dalam tas bibitnya.
kalo bayam kerendem air gitu hari ke duanya udah muncul tuh pucuk-pucuknyaa.... mo coba nanam ya??? succes yahh