Monday, January 5, 2009

Other Dream Kitchen from

I dont know why this company use name "EGGO". This name has been chosen by non English speaking people. Sound stranger, but just name, not important. Design from eggo, almost the same with design kitchen from other company. Just different accessories and final touching. Still looking glamour and lux. Price not so expensive. Hope they will export their concept overseas and will give you more much inspiration. Check out here : eggo kitchen house


L'équipe Internet èggo said...


I work for èggo and discovererd your blog after a search on Google. I found your opinion about our name quite interesting (no joke). The name has been chosen by non-english speaking people. It would be interesting to know why you think it sounds a bit silly for a company that sells kitchen furniture. We might export our concept overseas sooner or later and that's useful information.
OK,hope you have found you dream kitchen in one of our showrooms.


3fince said...

Hi there,
Im sorry about my opinion.. I dont mean make sense if ur company is silly. You product is awesome. Maybe sound stranger when we read "EGGO" but just a name rite.. Anyway, thank for stopping by mate!
